Make it Count is a sailing experience charter group based on Sydney Harbour.

Being a guest of the Count is more than yacht's a sailing experience.

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Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Count farewells 2011 on Sydney Harbour

The Count and guests enjoyed what could only be described as THE most spectacular New Years Eve EVER!
Our guests decided to get a jump on 2012 and celebrate a full day earlier than their friends and neighbours back home in Anchorage, Alaska.

The Count cruised down the Harbour past Blues Point and McMahon's Point where it was standing room only.

From there we continued our way east under the Bridge and past the Opera House and Farm Cove where you could have effectively "walked on water" by jumping from boat to boat.

We made our way to the commercial boat anchorage just off Bradley's Head where, as the photos show, we had the perfect view to the city.... WOW!

We watched the light of 2011 diminish over the city with last sunset of the year and readied ourselves for the "appetiser" fireworks at 9pm. Our guests were suitably impressed when we explained that "you ain't seen nothin' yet!"

Guests then settled into Wagyu Beef, Ocean Trout and an assortment of salads......what else would you expect aboard The Count? Sydney's pocket super yacht!

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