Make it Count is a sailing experience charter group based on Sydney Harbour.

Being a guest of the Count is more than yacht's a sailing experience.

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Mantra of Manta

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Leaving Nara Inlet we turn North and spend the afternoon snorkelling at Butterfly Bay followed by an enjoyable but bumpy night. Marvelling at how pretty this spot we had no idea of the magical Bay we would discover the following day.

MANTA RAY BAY is on the eastern side of Hook Island and is THE most picturesque bay you will find. Not suited for overnight stays but wonderful snorkelling.

Having the bay to ourselves we took time to meet the locals. Not only constantly surrounded by marine life but also greeted by a Maori Rass whilst exploring the coral.

We even had a whale try to muscle in on our day too.

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