Make it Count is a sailing experience charter group based on Sydney Harbour.

Being a guest of the Count is more than yacht's a sailing experience.

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sea Pups to SEA DOGS! - We're home!

Friday, 23 September 2011

Just short of 2 months and 2,000 nautical miles The Count returns home. Our early start yesterday along with strong following winds ensure that we arrive well before the threatening Southerly.
Did I say well before? Overnight The Count was clocked at 13knots whilst "surfing" the swell. Needless to say that averaging 10knots when we had accounted for 7knts meant we arrived at 0900hrs well before the 1600hr Southerly.

We bade farewell to an escort of dolphins along with a salute from 2 whales just North of the Heads. Our last radio check with Marine Rescue is made, the final position plotting is completed below...

Champagne is cracked to celebrate the end of an adventure.

A sense of sadness fell over The Count as we entered Sydney Harbour with our amazing adventure coming to a close but along with that a tremendous sense of achievement

We left Sydney Harbour mere Sea Pups but returned 2,000 miles later as true SEA DOGS!

A big thank you from The Count, Greer & I to everyone that made this trip a memorable occasion:
Crew: James Leonard & Alan Stannard plus special guest appearance from Nikki Bell. Bill Neil and Una (return voyage).
Support: Steve Kemp, ensuring The Count was ready and rigged for success.
Audi Sailing Sport: Nairn Johnson

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